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CrossConnects Bioinformatics

April 13, 2016 at 3:30 PM CDT
  • TBA

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Indiana University are co-sponsoring a workshop on "Improving Data Mobility & Management for International Bioinformatics", as part of the CrossConnects series run by ESnet. We are pleased to present on the topic of "Managing Big Biomedical Data Using Globus".

Abstract: The rapid growth of data in biomedical research is placing massive demands on research informatics cores, research labs and individual researchers. These groups must provide reliable analysis and data management services that can scale as the needs of researchers increase. Further, as collaborative research becomes commonplace, the ability to move and share large data sets between institutions, scaling the analysis from one sample to hundreds of samples are fundamental requirements for many researchers. In this talk, we present the Globus Research Data Management platform that provides turnkey solutions to address the emerging challenges in dealing and analyzing "big data" in the context of life sciences. In particular, we will present our experiences in delivering research data management and identity management capabilities to the European Bioinformatics Institute and the KBase project
