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pSW 2014: NSF Workshop on perfSONAR

February 20, 2014 at 2:00 PM CST – February 21, 2014 at 5:00 PM CST
  • TBA

perfSONAR is an infrastructure and a set of services for network performance monitoring, facilitating the ability to make and exchange performance measurements in order to solve end-to-end performance problems on paths crossing several networks, and enable network-aware applications. There are over 700 publicly registered perfSONAR toolkit deployments worldwide, and the adoption is continuing to grow rapidly within data-intensive application communities.

The Second NSF-sponsored perfSONAR Workshop (pSW2014) builds upon the success of the first workshop held July 8-9, 2010 in Arlington, VA, and is open to members of the network and system measurement community that includes a variety of stakeholders: researchers, applications developers, network operators, network managers, and others with an interest in network/system research and performance measurement/monitoring. The workshop aims to bring together these stakeholders for delivering targeted tutorials, talks sharing latest advances/demos from invited speakers, and fostering discussions to identify gaps that exist for solving prominent issues such as:

- Network measurement tools development and calibration

- Algorithms and Techniques for Automated Network Troubleshooting

- Architectures for Federated Measurement Collection, Analysis and Sharing

- Measurement Federation related Standards-development Efforts

- Monitoring of Software Defined, and Overlay Networks

- Measurement of Cloud and Grid Application Environments

- Security and Policy Considerations for Federated Measurements

- Case Studies of End-to-End Network/System Performance Troubleshooting

- Applications Integration and Deployment (e.g., network support use cases in Science DMZ, Cloud/HPC and BigData)