SDSC 2013 Summer Institute: Discover Big Data
Discover Big Data is the theme of the San Diego Supercomputer Center Summer Institute in 2013, reflecting the pressing need for high performance solutions for exploring and analyzing the large volumes of data that science and business applications are now able to generate with ease. The 5-day summer institute will cover topics in HPC and big data including, data management, data analytics and visualization, and parallel programming models, via discussion of specific use cases and hands-on exercises.
Attendees will be introduced to SDSC’s NSF-funded Gordon data-intensive supercomputer as well as other computational resources at SDSC. They will also receive an overview of the NSF XSEDE program—a national-scale cyberinfrastructure for high performance computing. SDSC’s Gordon is a unique resource in XSEDE, given Gordon’s pioneering architecture, which is in concert with SDSC’s vision for supporting data-intensive and big data applications.
There will be a presentation and demo of Globus Online from 1:30-2:00 pm PST on Monday, August 5.