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First Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE)

November 17, 2013, 2:45 – 11:30 PM CST
  • TBA

Room 503 of the Denver Convention Center

Progress in scientific research is dependent on the quality and accessibility of software at all levels and it is now critical to address many new challenges related to the development, deployment, and maintenance of reusable software. In addition, it is essential that scientists, researchers, and students are able to learn and adopt a new set of software-related skills and methodologies. Established researchers are already acquiring some of these skills, and in particular a specialized class of software developers is emerging in academic environments who are an integral and embedded part of successful research teams. This workshop will provide a forum for discussion of the challenges, including both positions and experiences. The short papers and discussion will be archived as a basis for continued discussion, and we intend the workshop to feed into the collaborative writing of one or more journal publications.

Ian Foster, Director of the University of Chicago Computation and Globus Project Co-Lead, will be a panelist on a discussion of Communities, from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. Among other topics, the panelists will discuss "Software as a Service as a path to software sustainability," a paper written by Ian Foster, Vas Vasiliadis, and Steve Tuecke of Globus.

Hope to see you at the workshop.

Read "Software as a Service as a path to software sustainability"

See the rest of the workshop agenda.