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ESnet CI Engineering Lunch and Learn

October 16, 2020 at 1:00 PM CDT
  • TBA

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Globus will be presenting at the CI Engineering Lunch and Learn on Oct 16th. Click here for details on how to join.


Globus Connect Server v5: An Enhanced Experience for Users and Admins Alike!

Abstract: : Globus Connect Server (GCS) v5.4 was released in July 2020. This release continues our march towards a unified Globus Connect Server v5 platform, and includes support for multi-DTN endpoints, access to standard and High Assurance collections on the same endpoint, a feature-rich command line interface (CLI) for endpoint management, OAuth based access management architecture (replacing user certificates), and a highly configurable identity mapping system. In this talk we will describe the new GCS architecture and illustrate some of the key changes from prior GCS versions. We will also demonstrate the new endpoint management CLI and highlight differences in the end-user experience.