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News Archive, January 2018

News Archive

January 2018

  • URISC and the Longest Last Mile

    For more than 50 years, HPC has supported tremendous advances in all areas of science. But densely-populated communities can more easily support subscription-based commodity networks and energy infrastructure that make it more affordable for urban universities to engage globally. Research centers based in sparsely-populated regions are extremely disadvantaged. HPCwire describes how researchers in far-flung places are dealing with these challenges, and how Globus facilitates fast, reliable file transfer, irrespective of distance and network conditions.

  • Networking, Data Experts Design a Better Portal for Scientific Discovery

    Globus, Science DMZ provide new architecture to meet demand for accessing shared data A team of networking experts from the Department of Energy’s Energy Sciences Network (ESnet), with the Globus team from the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory, has designed a new approach that makes data sharing faster, more reliable and more secure. In an article published Jan. 15 in Peer J Comp Sci, the team describes their “The Modern Research Data Portal: a design pattern for networked, data-intensive science.”